RECTO SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED (RSPL) is committed to provide management systems certification services to all organizations in an independent and impartial manner by fulfilling the requirements of International Standard ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 as a minimum and in the most cost-effective, timely and value added manner. The certification services to management systems are geared to all sectors of industry in India and abroad to maintain and continually improve the quality of products and services; protect environment; occupational health and safety of employees and ensure food safety.
It is the responsibility of all those concerned in the operation of Management Systems Certification Services, including certified organizations and auditors/technical experts/staff that each activity in the operation leads to excellence thereby enhancing the credibility and image of RECTO SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED (RSPL).
RSPL provides Management Systems Certification Services to all organizations against International standard(s) on various Management Systems Standards such as ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems & ISO 27001 Information Security Management System.
RSPL provides these services to all organizations irrespective of their size, countries and affiliations. The conflict of interest which may arise in the provision of these services have been identified, analyzed and documented including steps taken to eliminate / minimize such conflicts.
Understand their role in implementing this policy;
Understand the spirit and intent of this policy;
Recognize their responsibility towards its successful implementation.
Understand the Risk analysis as conducted in Annexure 12 and further addressed in procedure
We at RSPL are committed to impartiality in delivering our services. We ensure that our services are based on objectivity & are available to all customers and that they are not based on undue commercial, financial or any other considerations. We ensure that all our procedures /guidelines operate in a non-discriminatory manner as being monitored by GM/CEO and reviewed by IC and are also available in RSPL Manual, Procedures, Annexures and Auditor guideline.